According to the latest FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Statistics, one burglary happens every 13 seconds. In these burglaries, high value items like electronic devices, recreational equipment, bicycles, animals, and jewelries are most likely to be stolen.
There is no question about the importance of securing your premises. It’s a must to ensure that your premises, along with everything and everyone in it, are protected. Don’t put your property and the lives of your family members at risk.
To secure your premises against theft, take these steps:
1. Have a security system installed – homes and properties that are equipped with security systems are three times less likely to be broken into by burglars. Ironically, only 17% of houses have security systems. Don’t let your premises be part of the statistics of unprotected properties.
2. Make sure that the burglars are aware that you’re protected by a security system – you might think that hidden cameras would be more effective in catching crooks. But, “announcing” that you have security systems installed will actually discourage thieves from attempting to enter your premises in the first place.
3. Be more alert during the daytime – contrary to popular notion, it’s not at night when most burglaries happen. Break-ins are 6% more likely to occur during the day, more specifically from 6am to 6pm. This is the time when most people are out of their homes.
4. Be more wary of those who know you personally – it’s another misconception that burglars are always random strangers. In a lot of cases, they’re actually people known to the owners of the properties. About 65.1% of burglars were found to know their victims, according to a report on Victimization During Household Burglary. These are people who have information about your schedule, whereabouts, and what items of value you have on your premises.
5. Always lock your doors and windows – most burglars get into their target location by forced entry through these access points. Before you leave your premises, make sure to double check these openings. You can also add extra security in these areas (i.e. “station” guard dogs near entry ways, install motion sensors and break-in detectors, etc.).
6. Get more acquainted with your neighbors – get to know and befriend your neighbors. You’ll either be able to “sniff out” suspicious people with ill intentions towards you and your property, or establish goodwill with people you can trust to keep an eye on your property when you’re not around.
Nothing Left to Chance
Don’t make the mistake of taking your security concerns lightly. There’s no absolute guarantee that no theft or burglary will happen to your premises even if you’re in a relatively secure location or neighborhood. Take action in securing your premises against theft now.